Weaknesses of DRM systems
Hugo Jonker
TU Eindhoven/Universiteit Luxembourg
Online distribution of movies, music, and other media is every so often hailed as the Next Big Thing in the digital world. In order to prevent uncontrolled copying, companies look towards digital rights management (DRM). However, as evidenced in the past, DRM systems can and will be broken.

In this presentation, we first shortly discuss copyright law and its impact on the digital era. Then, we analyse drawbacks and security weaknesses inherent in DRM systems. Finally, we will highlight some examples of weaknesses being exploited in existing systems.

Hugo Jonker is promovendus in security van informatiesystemen aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven en de Universiteit van Luxembourg. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op privacy van internetstemmen. De research-tijd die overblijft, wordt in beslag genomen door security aspecten van DRM systemen.

Last modified: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 17:13:44 +0100