Transparent database-level data encryption without hassle or headaches
Rob Verschoor
Sybase Europe BV
Implementing data security inside a database tends to make life more difficult for users, requiring them to do such things as remembering and specifying encryption keys or passphrases. This presentation will look into the mechanisms employed by Sybase ASE 15.0 to achieve high levels of data protecting inside the database without placing any such additional burden on end-users or application developers. As a relational DBMS, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) is used in mission-critical systems in many areas where data security is of utmost importance. Sybase ASE 15.0 supports transparent encryption of individual database columns with a unique set of properties not available by other database vendors:
  • schema-level encryption, thus making encryption fully transparent to applications
  • access to encrypted data is governed by granting 'decrypt' permission
  • 'decrypt default' to make data-level encryption invisible to users without decrypt permission
  • no performance loss; searches and joins are performed on ciphertext
  • protect data from the all-powerful DBA, without the need for authorised users to know any encryption passwords or -keys
  • protecting database backups without the need to encrypt the full backup file
  • industry-strength encryption: 256-bit AES thout the need to encrypt the full backup file

Rob Verschoor is Senior Technology Evangelist bij Sybase Engineering. Hij heeft sinds 1989 gewerkt met Sybase Adapative Server Enterprise (voorheen Sybase SQL Server) en houdt zich nu o.a. bezig met database architectuur en enterprise-level data-infrastructuur. In deze sessie zal worden ingegaan op data security features van Sybase ASE.

Last modified: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 17:13:44 +0100