De Commerciële OpenSource Database

Arjen Lentz

Deze lezing zal in het Nederlands worden gegegeven!
This presentation will be in Dutch!

Computing infrastructure is constantly being commoditized, with Open Source software playing a large role in this commoditization. Linux is replacing commercial Unixes in many situations and displacing other operating systems on Intel systems, Apache serving the majority of websites and Sendmail/Qmail/Postfix handling a large amount of the e-mail on the internet. The next commoditzations will happen at the layer above core services such as operating system, e-mail and basic web serving. This layer includes components such as databases and application servers.

MySQL, the world's most popular Open Source database, stands poised to become the database of choice for organizations that are looking to reduce the total cost of ownership for their IT infrastructure by utilizing Open Source software.

Arjen Lentz werkt sinds 2001 voor MySQL AB, waar hij primair verantwoordelijk is voor de MySQL handleiding. Tevens geeft hij MySQL cursussen in Australië en Nederland, en onderhoudt hij de contacten met de MySQL gebruikers en andere geïnteresseerden zoals overheidsorganisaties in deze regio's.

Last modified: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 21:09:27 +0200