XML Web Architectures:
Using Apache Cocoon and Forrest

Steven Noels

Deze lezing zal in het Nederlands worden gegegeven!
This presentation will be in Dutch!

Apache Cocoon is an XML publishing framework offering novel and sophisticated techniques such as SAX-based streaming pipelines, a complete separation between content, logic and layout, and integration with numerous backend datasources. Forrest is a blueprint Cocoon application, that sits underneath xml.apache.org and numerous other websites using XML and XSLT as their technical underpinnings.

Apache Cocoon is based around the Separation of Concerns principle, making sure each person has exactly those tools and environment, and only those, at their disposal for maintaining the content, logic or style that make up a website, without the possibility to mess up his or her co-workers job. Because of this, making multi-channel or multilingual websites is dead easy with Apache Cocoon. Apache Forrest is a blueprint application of Apache Cocoon, specifically aimed at technical (software) project websites and documentation: it comes with a set of stylesheets, XML grammars, and validation and rendition tools to easily set up a Cocoon-based website, both statically generated or deployed as a dynamic web application.

This talk, by one of the Cocoon and Forrest committers, will give you a quick intro on the design ideas and internals of these valuable open source projects.

Steven Noels is one of the co-founders of Outerthought, a geek-level technical Java & XML knowledge center. Steven has been actively advocating and using Java, XML and OSS technologies since many years, and is involved in several Apache projects. Steven maintains a weblog at http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/.

Last modified: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 21:09:27 +0200