Web servers in the security era
IIS6 versus Apache 2.0

Martin Vliem

As more and more companies see and understand the importance of security, even Microsoft decided to elevate security to their top priorities. One of the more apparent results is the release of the successor of one of the most disreputable (from a security point of view) products ever, the Internet Information Services 6.0. In this presentation first some of the main security problems concerning web servers will be explored, followed by a technical discussion on how both IIS6 and Apache 2.0 handle these security issues. Both the underlying architecture as well as the secure configuration of both IIS6 and Apache 2.0 will be covered and compared. An overview of the comparison between the two major web servers will conclude the presentation.

Martin Vliem studied and taught ergonomics at the University of Twente before he moved to Cap Gemini Ernst & Young where he currently works as a web infrastructure specialist. His work and interest focus mainly on web security and web applications on both Unix as well as Windows platforms.

Last modified: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 14:00:01 +0200